Human resource management

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Francesco GARRAFFO

Expected Learning Outcomes

General Objectives of teaching in terms of expected results of learning:

1. Knowledge and understanding: the Course on Human Resource Management aims to provide students with knowledge and abilities able to stimulate the necessary requirements allowing the management of behaviors within organizations.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding: formulation of policies aimed at improving the level of performance and commitment of people actively operating within organizations.

3. Making judgements: stimulate the autonomy of the judgement and the evaluation abilities with regard to the context wherein management policies and instruments need to be applied.

4. Communication skills: the Course is based on the use of a specific language that will be at the roots of the communication between the teacher and the students.

5. Learning skills: learning skills will be stimulated by the deep knowledge of the topics that will be treated during the course, which is the reason why both attending lectures and studying references and material is so important

Detailed Course Content

The aims of Human Resource Management is to introduce to the main issues of human behaviors and policieds in organizations. The following issues are the main contents of the course:

  • Introduction to the analysis of human resource management;
  • work performance and organizational commitment;
  • job and work satisfaction;
  • motivation;
  • trust and ethics;
  • stress and organizational weel-being;
  • learning and decision making;
  • personality, relationships among actors;
  • creation and management of working groups;
  • the role of leadership;
  • organizational structures;
  • people’s management;
  • people's assessment;
  • people's rewarding systems. 

Textbook Information

1. Colquitt J.A., LePine J.A., Wesson M.J. “Organizational Behavior. Essentials for Improving Performance and Commitment”, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2017 (included in the pamphlet).

2. Dessler G. “Gestione delle risorse umane”, Pearson 2017 (included in the pamphlet)

3. Tosi H., Pilati M. “Comportamento organizzativo”, Egea 2017

4. Pamphlet assembled by the Instructor (available at the Department Library).

Optional readings

1. Burke W.W. “Il cambiamento organizzativo. Teoria e pratica” F. Angeli 2010.

2. Covey S.R. “Le 7 Regole per avere Successo”, F. Angeli 2005.

3. Oncken W. Jr., Burrow H., “L’one Minute Manager Insegna a Delegare”, Sperling & Kupfer Editori 1990.

4. Shell R, “Il vantaggio di negoziare”, Giuffrè Editore, 2007

5. Fisher R, et. Al. “L’arte del negoziato”, Corbaccio

6. Kohlrieser G., Picozzi M. “La scienza della negoziazione”, Sperling & Kupfer 2011 

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduzione al corsoMateriale didattico - Syllabus
2Un modello integrato di analisi dei comportamenti delle risorse umaneMateriale didattico
3La job performanceMateriale didattico
4L'organizational commitmentMateriale didattico
5Job satisfactionMateriale didattico
6MotivationMateriale didattico
7StressMateriale didattico
8Learning & decision makingMateriale didattico
9Trust, justice & ethicsMateriale didattico
10PersonalitàTosi, Pilati – Cap. 1
11I GruppiTosi, Pilati – Cap. 6
12La leadershipTosi, Pilati – Cap. 10
13People managementTosi, Pilati – Cap. 11
14La valutazione e gestione delle prestazioniDessler Cap. 7 - Materiale didattico
15La retribuzione e i sistemi premiantiDessler Capp. 9-10 - Materiale didattico
16La cultura organizzativaTosi, Pilati - Cap. 12

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

In order to obtain the final grade of the course, the student, attending or not attending, will have to take a written exam which may contain true/false, multiple choice, semi-open answer, open answer questions, in the sessions of the official calendar of exams of the Department of Economics and Business.

The final evaluation expressed out of thirty will be carried out by assigning a partial score to the following criteria in line with the objectives indicated above: knowledge of the assigned topic, appropriateness of the technical language, relevance of the answers to the questions asked, ability to connect the topic discussed and other topics related to the program, logical ability to argue the assigned theme, ability to contextualize the theme with practical examples taken from the company reality, active participation in the classroom.