Company and Business Law (commercial Law) M - Z
Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ENRICO MACRI'Expected Learning Outcomes
1) Knowledge and understanding: this course allows students to learn Company and Business law so they can resolve questions of law interpretation;
2) Applying knowledge and understanding: the student thinks over the legal rules and the correct interpretation of them, so that he is able to know the economic and social function of the relevant body of law;
3) Making judgements: the student can assess practical cases;
4) Communication skills: the student will be able to discuss his thesis with experts;
5) Learning skills: frontal lectures and individual studying allows students to achieve a good level of understanding.
Course Structure
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Detailed Course Content
The undergraduate course of Company and business law has the following basic contents:
First part (3 CFU)
- The entrepreneur;
- The entrepreneur notion;
- The small entrepreneur, the agricultural entrepreneur, the commercial entrepreneur;
- Legal publications, book-keeping entries and commercial representation;
- Competition;
- Partnerships and companies; Partnerships: the “società semplice”, “the società in nome collettivo”, “the società in accomandita semplice”.
Book title:
Manuale di diritto commerciale, a cura di CIAN, Giappichelli, last ed. 2021, paragraphs 1, 2, 4, from 6 to 10 and from 35 to 41.
Second Part (3 CFU)
- The company limited by shares;
- Listed companies and financial markets;
- The limited liability company;
- The “società in accomandita per azioni”;
- Transformations, mergers and demergers of entities;
- Professional organization;
- Cooperative companies;
- Profit sharing agreement;
- Banking contracts;
- Insurance Contracts;
- Corporate Financing. Debt and Equity.
Book title:
Manuale di diritto commerciale, a cura di CIAN, Giappichelli, last ed., paragraphs from 42 to 70, and 74.
Third part (3CFU)
- Judicial liquidation and reorganization of insolvent firms;
Book title:
Textbook Information
Manuale di Diritto commerciale, a cura di CIAN, last ed., Giappichelli
I PARTE (3 CFU) Testo di riferimento: AA.VV., Manuale di Diritto Commerciale, a cura di Cian, §§ 1, 2, 4, §§ da 6 a 10 e §§ da 35 a 41.
II PARTE (3 CFU) Testo di riferimento: AA.VV., Manuale di diritto commerciale, a cura di Cian, §§ da 42 a 70 e § 74.
III PARTE (3 CFU) Testo di riferimento: AA.VV., Manuale di diritto commerciale, a cura di Cian, §§ da 22 a 34 e pp. XLI-XLIV.
It is expected the knowledge of the relevant legal texts. We recommend an updated legislative collection: eg, DE NOVA, Codice civile e leggi collegate, Zanichelli, latest edition.