Alexandra Cooper
Archivio avvisi
Economia Prep allo scritto
Teams code:
B Language Specifications
For B1 Language Specifications go to page 68 of the Handbook.
Ielts room on teams
This should be the link:
Ielts Writing 1 and 2
Writing Scores
Ricevimento on line A. A 2020-21
Ricevimento A.A. 2020-21 Cdl Economia. Gli studenti sono pregati di mandare una mail alla Dott.ssa Cooper per fissare un appuntamento durante l'orario di ricevimento.
il link per il ricevimento:
B2 Magistrale
The B2 lessons will be on the following days Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 18,00-19,00 starting from Tuesday 28th April. The course is shared with the other teachers Dott.ssa Vickery and Dott.ssa Di Nuzzo .
Economia B1
Il corso B1 si svolge dal 21 aprile con il codice: l2mxnvu il martedi,mercoledi e giovedi dalle 12 alle 14.
IELTs homework 21st November
Students who attended the lesson on Writing 2 please go to the following link and do the Writing 2 task :-
The deadline for this homework will be 5th December, please bring your homework to the lesson on that day. Students who failed to attend the lesson on Writing 2 need to ask for the handouts (next lesson) before they attempt the Writing 2 task. Start by watching the video on Essay Writing at the following link:-
How to write a good essay
IELTs Homework 14th November
Please do the Listening Activity Parts 3 and 4 from the British Council IELTs practice tests site. You will find the link below this notice. The Answer sheet is also attached for you to print out-please use the corresponding numbers for parts 3 and 4 of the test. Any students wishing to discuss their written assignments which they have handed in so far on the course are invited to send an email to fix and appointment on Wednesday afternnons. Here is the link:-
IELTs Homework 31st October
Deadline for this assignment : 14th November. Please follow instructions given in the handout for Academic Writing Tasks during lessons.
The assignment can be downloaded from the following link :-
Ielts Homework 24th October 2019
1)Read the Wrting Band Descriptors for writing 1 and 2 for a quiz next week.
2)Do the following Part 1 and Part 2 of an Ielts Listening test, bring your answers to next week's lesson (31st October).
IELTs writing reference book for Grammar and Vocabulary
As some of you might be interested in improving your grammar and lexical range for IELTs here is a good reference book you can use to help your skills and build-up your range:
Grammar and Vocabulary for Advanced (with answers) by Martin Hewings and Simon Haines published by Cambridge University Press/Loescher ISBN 9781107481114
Economia B1 Prep. alla prova scritta
Conversation Topics.
For those of you who are doing the oral in December or in January you might like to think about B1 conversation topics. Take a look at the Cambridgeenglish.or site for Speaking A2 and B1 as well as the activities indicated here below (at the end).
B1 Speaking Topics:
Daily Life
Entertainment and Media
Food and drink
Free time
Health, medicine and exercise
Hobbies and leisure
House and home
Personal feelings, opinions and experiences
Personal Identification
Places and buildings
Relations with other people
Social Interaction
Ielts set work - deadline 6th December 2018
Your written assignment for 6th December is Writing 2 on page 90 of the Ielts Trainer book. Please write 250 words and hand your work in during the lesson on 6th December. I have included some notes about academic writing and please remember to use appropriate paragraphing. Please email me if you have any queries or ask me during the lesson on 29th November- Don't forget your books!
There is no set length for a paragraph, however very long paragraphs can be a difficult reading experience. Paragraphs should deal with
Economics B1 group Preparazione allo scritto
Listening Practice from lesson 31st October. Download the test tipi available from Studium and do the Listening part of the exam. For extra practice look at these sites, the free activities at Cambridge English include Listening, Vocabulary and Grammar, Reading and Writing for all levels. Look at the list below:
Cambridge English- Preparation- Free Activities A2-C1
The British Council
B2 level 6 Minute English series or
IELTs reminder about Writing 1
Please remember to bring a printed copy of your work to the lesson on 8th November. Before you print your work, remember to use the tab "revisione" and the "grammar and speller checker" that appears on this page in the top left hand corner of the bar. This option will highlight any spelling or potential grammar mistakes in your written work, it's very useful.
Set Work for IELTS - deadline 8th November
Writing 1 set work to be handed in at the lesson on 8th November. In your IELTS Trainer coursebook please look at Writing Task 1 from Test 2 on page 87. Please follow the indications given on the page. Below are some guidelines you must follow for written work. Please also remember to read the IELTS writing band scores for Task 1 so you are familiar with the marking criteria.
ALL work to be marked must be typed and printed in black ink .
Please remember to use 12 as a character size and Times New Roman/similar as character style. Spacing must be 1. 5 lines and you must
Set Work for IELTs course
Set Work for 18/10
Please look at the Listening Band scores so you are familiar with them.See below. Please go to the followng link and listen to the tips for the Listening exam:
Then try parts 1 and 2 only of the sample listening test at the link(the link is to part one but the page clearly shows the other parts to the test which you can click on):
IELTS is a multi-level exam. You get a score between 1