Academic Year 2020/2021 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Scientific field
  • ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni
  • INF/01 - Informatica
Taught classes: 80 hours
Term / Semester: 1° and 2°

Learning Objectives

  • Knowledge Discovery

    This module covers the fundamental concepts of deep learning methods and how to use them for extracting, modelling and visualizing the learned knowledge.

    Topics include: neural networks with backpropagation, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, methods for representation learning, and how to use them under different learning regimes (supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning) and in variety of real-world applications ranging from computer vision, machine translation and medical image analysis.

    This module also covers techniques of explainable AI (XAI) for understanding and visualizing how deep models make decisions and their generalization capabilities.

    The learning objectives are:

    a) to understand and use the main methodologies and techniques for learning from data

    b) to understand the main methodologies to design and implement neural networks for real-world applications

    c) to understand how to extract and learn knowledge in scenarios when supervision cannot be provided

    d) to understand and foresee the reliability of machine learning methods in operational scenarios.


    Knowledge and understanding

    • To understand the main concepts of learning from data

    • To understand concepts and tools for building intelligent systems using supervision and no supervision

    • To understand the most important machine learning and artificial intelligence methodologies and techniques used by industries to make sense of data in order to support the decision process

    • To understand what are the most appropriate techniques to be used in different real-world applications

    • To understand and interpret how machine learning models work in order to uncover inner mechanisms of black-box methods


    Applying knowledge and understanding

    • To be able to effectively understand and use the main tools for creating, loading and manipulating datasets.

    • To design and implement from scratch a machine learning system following application-derived constraints in terms of modelling and data

    • To understand proper benchmarks and baselines and analysing achieved results and their generalization in real-world applications

      • To be able to apply methodologies and techniques to analyse data.


    The module will focus on the implementations of various machine learning techniques and their applications in various domains. The primary tools used in the class are the Python programming language and several associated libraries.

Course Structure

  • Knowledge Discovery

    The main teaching methods are as follows:

    • Lectures, to provide theoretical and methodological knowledge of the subject;

    • Hands-on exercises, to provide “problem solving” skills and to apply design methodology;

    • Laboratories, to learn and test the usage of related tools.

    • Paper reading and presentations to enhance understanding of the core concepts

    • Seminars by renowned experts (from both universities and industries) in the field to understand the current state of the art.

    Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.


    Lectures, hands-on exercises, paper reading, student presentations and seminars

    Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

  • Knowledge Discovery

    Python programming language, statistical learning basic concepts


    Python programming language, Linear Algebra

Attendance of Lessons

  • Knowledge Discovery

    Strongly recommended. Attending and actively participating in the classroom activities will contribute positively towards the overall assessment of the final exam.


    Strongly recommended. Attending and actively participating in the classroom activities will contribute positively towards the overall assessment of the oral exam.

Detailed Course Content

  • Knowledge Discovery

    The KD module consists of two parts: the first one will be addressing the general and modern techniques based on deep learning paradigm to create KD systems from data, while the second one on how to extract, represent and visualize knowledge from data and trained models.


    Part I: Methods and Architectures

    Neural Networks and Backpropagation

    • Derivatives and Gradient Descent

    • Neural Network Representation, Gradient descent for Neural Networks

    • Forward and Back Propagation

    • The revolution of depth: deep learning

    • Optimization algorithms: Mini-batch gradient descent, Exponentially weighted average, Gradient descent with momentum, RMSprop, Adam optimization algorithm, Learning rate decay

    • Training aspects of deep learning: Regularization, Dropout, Normalizing inputs, Vanishing / Exploding gradients, Weight Initialization for Deep Networks

    Convolutional Neural Networks

    • Foundations: padding, strided convolution, dilation, 2D and 3D convolution, separable convolution, pooling

    • State of the art models: AlexNet, ResNets, DenseNets, Inception

    • Transfer Learning and Data Augmentation

    Recurrent Neural Networks

    • LSTM and variants

    • Attention mechanisms


    Part II: Knowledge Discovery from Data and Models

    Unsupervised Learning with Deep Networks

    • Representation and Feature Learning

    • Autoencoders and Variational Autoencoders

    • Generative Adversarial Networks

    • Graph Neural Networks

    Reinforcement Learning

    • Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

    • Policy Gradients

    • Actor-Critic Algorithms

    • Value Function Methods

    • Deep RL with Q-functions

    Knowledge Discovery in Deep Models: Explainable AI (XAI)

    • Visualizing Convolutional Neural Decisions

    • Guided Backpropagation

    • Deep Generator Networks

    • CNN Visualization: Activation based and gradient based methods

    Deep Learning Frameworks:

    • Overview of the most used DL frameworks

    • PyTorch and Jupyter Notebooks


    • Computer vision

    • Medical Image Analysis

    • Machine translation


    Introduction to the Course

    • Introduction to Machine Learning

    • Brief Python review and an overview of Numpy and Pandas

    • Review of data Characteristics of Data and Preparation and Preprocessing

    Supervised Learning

    • Classification and Prediction using K-Nearest-Neighbor

    • Classifying with Probability Theory; Naïve Bayes

    • Building Decision Trees

    • Regression models

    • Evaluating predictive models

    • Ensemble Models: Bagging and Boosting

    Unsupervised Learning

    • Clustering using K-Means

    • Hierarchical Clustering

    • Association Rule discovery

    • Principal Component Analysis and Dimensionality Reduction

    • Singular Value Decomposition

    Brief note on Advance Topics

    • Matrix Factorization

    • Support Vector Machines

    • Search and Optimization Techniques

    • Markov models; time series analysis, sequential pattern mining


    Real application domains

    • Text Mining and document analysis/filtering

      • Content analysis, TFxIDF transformation, text categorization, document clustering

    • Recommender systems

      • Neighborhood methods (user- and item-based)

      • Matrix factorization

      • Marketing and finance data analysis

Textbook Information

  • Knowledge Discovery
    1. Deep Learning. I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio and A. Courville, MIT Press, 2016

    2. Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning, I. Pointer, O'Reilly Media

    3. Teaching materials and reading paper list provided by the instructor

    1. Introduction to Machine Learning, Fourth Edition, By Ethem Alpaydin, MitPress ISBN: 9780262043793. 2020

    2. Python Data Science Essentials - Third Edition by Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron, Packt Publishing, ISBN: 9781789537864, 2020

    3. Teaching materials and reading paper list provided by the instructor

Course Planning

Knowledge Discovery
 SubjectsText References
1Neural networks: derivatives, gradient descent, back-propagation
2Deep Learning: basic concepts, optimization algorithms, training procedures1, 3 
3Convolutional Neural Networks1,3 
4Recurrent Neural Networks1,3 
5Unsupervised Learning with Deep Networks: Representation and Feature Learning1, 3 
6Autoencoders and Variational Autoencoders1, 3 
7Generative Adversarial Networks1, 3 
8Graph Neural Networks
9Reinforcement Learning: Deep Q-Networks and Policy Gradient
10Explainable AI (XAI): Guided Backpropagation, Deep Generator Networks, CNN Visualization
11Deep Learning Frameworks: PyTorch and Jupyter Notebooks2, 3 
 SubjectsText References
1Introduction to Machine Learning1,3 
2Python review
3Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib2,3 
4Classification and Prediction: K-Nearest-Neighbor
5Classification and Naive Bayes
6Decision Tree1,3 
7Regression models
8Evaluating predictive models
9Ensemble Models: Bagging and Boosting
10Clustering using K-Means
11Hierarchical Clustering
12Association Rule discovery
13Dimensional reduction
14Singular Value Decomposition
15Advanced topic1,3 
16Sckit learn
17ML in NLP
18ML for Reccomender System

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

  • Knowledge Discovery

    The final exam consists of the development of a project in Pytorch, addressing one of the topics discussed during classes, together with a final report (structured as a scientific paper) discussing motivation, models, datasets and results used in the project.

    The exam is evaluated according to the ability to create a deep learning model from scratch for extracting and learning knowledge from data on a given real-world problem, to understand how to properly measure its performance and to motivate the devised solutions.

    The vote on the knowledge discovery module will account for 50% of the total grade for the entire course.

    The module also foresees intermediate assignments. These assignments (between two to four) include: a) python scripts to solve simple basic learning problems on datasets discussed during with the instructor in order to avoid overlap and b) quizzes to verify the correct understanding of the presented techniques.

    The grading policy for the KD module is:

    • 50%: Final project

    • 35%: Programming assignments

    • 15%: Quizzes

    Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.


    There will be two assignments and one final exam. The assignments will contain written questions that require some Python programming. The final exam consists of quizzes and a final assignment.

    The final assignment concerns comparative analysis on a given problem that must be presented in a final report and discussed in an oral discussion. The vote on the advanced machine learning module will account for 50% of the total grade for the entire course.

    The grading policy for the AML module is:

    • 50%: Final assignments

    • 30% Intermediate assignments

    • 20%: Quizzes

    Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

  • Knowledge Discovery

    Examples of questions and exercises are available on the Studium platform and on the course website.


    Examples of questions and exercises are available on the Studium platform and on the course website.