Anno accademico 2019/2020 - 3° anno
Docente: Marco Ferdinando Martorana
Crediti: 9
SSD: SECS-P/03 - Scienza delle Finanze
Organizzazione didattica: 225 ore d'impegno totale, 165 di studio individuale, 60 di lezione frontale

Obiettivi formativi

1.(Knowledge and understanding) To supply the analytical knowledge needed to understand the fundaments of public intervention and its effects on the allocation and distribution of resources, with a specific focus on the Italian institutional context.

2. (Applying knowledge and understanding) To provide the students with the methodological instruments that are useful for the application of what is learned on the economics of the public sector to the professional work, in order to facilitate the access to the job market.

3. (Making judgments) To instruct the students on the utilization and interpretation of micro and macro data in order to facilitate autonomous analytical abilities.

4. (Communication skills) To favor the ability of exposition of personal opinions to experts as well as a non-specialized public.

5. (Learning skills) To guarantee an amount of learning sufficient to join a course study of a higher level, especially in the fields of public policy and administration

Modalità di svolgimento dell'insegnamento

The course will be taught mainly through lectures, although it may include tutorials, as well as seminars by invited speakers.

Prerequisiti richiesti

None. A basic knowledge of consumer theory and theory of the firm is useful for a better and faster learning

Frequenza lezioni

Strongly suggested but not mandatory

Contenuti del corso

Public intervention, normative and positive analysis. State functions. * Fundaments of welfare economics, market failure and reasons for public intervention. *Political Economy. Cost-benefit analysis. Income redistribution. *Tax incidence, taxation and efficiency; income taxation and its effects; corporate taxes; consumption taxes. Analysis of public expenditure. *Welfare and pension system in Italy. *The public budget. * Deficit, fiscal policy and European governance. *Fiscal federalism. *Local public finance.

Testi di riferimento

H. S. Rosen, T. Gayer. Public Finance. 10th Global Edition

Programmazione del corso

 ArgomentiRiferimenti testi
1Introduction to the course. Tools of positive analysis Chapters 1-2 
2Tools of normative analysisChapter 3 
3Fundaments of welfare economics. Efficiency conditionsChapter 3 
4Market failuresChapter 4 
5Public goods -positive analysisChapter 4 
6Public goods - normative analysisChapter 4 
7Political economy - Direct democracy Chapter 6 
8Political economy - Representative democracyChapter 6 
9Political economy - Government growth and other issues Chapter 6 
10Income redistribution: conceptual issuesChapter 12 
11Social welfare functionsChapter 12 
12Cost-benefit analysisChapter 8 
13Proportional and progressive taxation - deductions and tax creditsChapters 14 - 17  
14Tax incidence in partial equilibrium - Taxation in a monopoly Chapter 14 
15Taxation and efficiency – eccess burden Chapter 15 
16Trade-off between equity and efficiencyChapter 16 
17Classification of public revenuesChapter 18 
18Personal taxation and behaviorChapter 18 
19The Corporation taxChapter 19 
20Taxes on consumptionChapter 21 
21Deficit financeChapter 20 
22Public expenditures, direct provision and public sector efficiencyHandouts 
23Health care marketChapter 9 - pp. 176-193 
24Health expendituresChapter 10 - pp.201-206 
25Social security and programs for the poorChapter 11 - pp.222-243 
26Unemployment policiesChapter 13 - pp.273-280; 289-292 
27European governance and fiscal policies Handouts 
28Fiscal federalismChapter 22 
29Second generation federalismChapter 22 
30Local public financeChapter 22 

Verifica dell'apprendimento

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

Regular examination consists of a written test: students are required to answer 4 open-ended questions.

At the end of the first module, regularly attending students can sit a facultative written test on the corresponding part of the program.

Esempi di domande e/o esercizi frequenti

1. Efficiency condition with public goods
2. Median voter theorem and applications to large elections
3. Describe the criteria for project evaluation and three methods of cost-benefit analysis
4. describe and discuss the Oates' decentralization theorem
5. Discuss the problem of the burden of public debt
6. Tax incidence in perfect competition
7. Tax incidence in monopoly
8. Describe the effects of deductions and tax credits on progressiveness
9. Effects of personal taxation on labor supply
10. Discuss and compare the utilitarian and the Maximin Social welfare functions