
This web site reports all the information regarding the Master Degree in Data Science established at the University of Catania.

English is the official language of this programme. You can find all the information you need using the menu items.

If you are not already enrolled in this programme and you are searching for information, check the pages Course Overview and Course Structure - Graduation Paths. If you are already enrolled in this course, remember to check periodically all the news.

Have a good web-surfing experience.


Public Selection for admission of Non-EU - Students living abroad to the two-year Master’s Degrees in English in Data science – Academic year 2024/2025

The University of Catania announces a public selection based on qualifications and (if appropriate) interview, in order to select non-EU students living abroad for admission to the first year of International Master’s Degrees in Data science.
The official language of the courses is English.
Please refer to the call for requirements,  application procedures, submission dates, semlection procedure, enrolment, tuition fees and scholarship.
For more information about the procedure please contact Erika Magnano
For more information about the programme you can contact the Ms coordinator, Prof.

Teacher Announcements

Link to a Latex Template for the Thesis

Thanks to the volunteered work of Giovanni Spadaro is now available to the following link a Latex Template for the Final Thesis Document and for the LSides to present at the final exam. .You are free to dowload it and use it.
Please notice that this template is NOT OFFICIAL OR MANDATORY, you may use any other template you wish.
Thanks again to Giovanni!
Here are the links: -
Thesis: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/thesis-data-science-lm-data-unict/nfryrvncgpgf
Slides: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/presentation-data-science-lm-data-unict/gfqjwvrwsghp

Prof. Giovanni Gallo